2022 McMaster-UGA Digital Humanities Events

Digital Tools in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Research Roundtable
Watch a recording of the event

How can digital tools enhance and complexify research in the humanities and social sciences? At this research roundtable, ten scholars from McMaster University and Universite Grenoble Alpes share their work in the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences.

These presentations engage with a wide variety of approaches, disciplines, and research methods. Learn about how digital platforms sharpen students’ communication skills. Engage with the challenges of analyzing a massive digital database of e-petitions. See how GIS technology is reviving an ancient Greek city. Take a closer look at how NGOS represent women in online imagery. Explore how memes challenge academic posturing on Zoom. 

The panel is divided into three clusters: Data, Social Media, and Teaching and Pedagogy. Each panel will include a discussion period. Feel free to attend a single session or stay for the entire event. All are welcome at these virtual presentations, which will be recorded and shared online via the Sherman Centre’s Online Learning page.

9-10am: Cluster I: Data  

“Navigating the Meanders of Digital Politics in the Name of Science: The Example of Online Petitions to the UK’s Parliament” – Geraldine Castel, Associate Professor of Language and Culture, UGA

“GIS Applications in Greek Archaeology: Measuring the Land at Metaponto” – Spencer Pope, Associate Professor of Classics, McMaster

“Critical Methodological Approaches for Digital Humanities Scholarship: A Reflection” – Andrea Zeffiro, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and Multimedia, McMaster

10-11am: Cluster II: Social Media  

“Micro-blogging about Melanoma on Instagram: Info-communicational Competences and the Professionalised Show-casing of Cancer”  – Chloe Salles, Associate Professor of Information and Communication Science, UGA

“Humanitarian” Communication on Social Network sites: Construction of a (post) Colonial Imaginary Narrative from a Gender Perspective” – Cristina Garcia Martinez, PhD Student in Hispanic Studies and Gender Studies, UGA 

“Detecting, Characterising and Monitoring the Emergence of Proto-Communities in Online News Analysis” – Jean-Marc Francony, Associate Professor of Communication Sciences, UGA

11am-12pm: Cluster III: Teaching and Pedagogy 

“Data Management and Digital Humanities Research and Education: The Case of Education Technology” – Aude Inaudi, Associate Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, UGA

“Using Digital Tools to Sharpen Critical Analysis and Communication Skills in the History Classroom” – Karen Balcom, Associate Professor of History, McMaster

” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: Zooming Pedagogies and Queering Academia” – Alexis-Carlota Cochrane, PhD Student in Communication Studies and Media Arts, McMaster and Theresa Kenney, PhD Candidate in English and Cultural Studies, McMaster

Digital Humanities Sandbox Session

Digital Humanities Sandbox Session poster

Interested in DH but unsure of where to start? This sandbox session gives attendees the opportunity to gain hands-on skills with a new digital tool. Choose between Tableau (data analysis and visualization software) and Voyant (a web-based application for textual analysis), then join the corresponding breakout room and explore how these tools can add a new dimension to your research and teaching. 

Both sessions are beginner-friendly and entirely virtual. Facilitators will teach their groups through interactive activities on each platform. This is a hands-on session so be ready to participate and try new things!

This session is co-led by two facilitators: Geraldine Castel (Associate Professor of British Studies, Universite Grenoble Alpes) will teach attendees about Tableau. Devon Mordell (Educational Developer, Paul R. MacPherson Institute) will teach attendees about Voyant Tools.