
The Sherman Centre hosts various intersession courses and one annual undergraduate class, HUM2DH3: Creative, Collaborative, Critical: Introduction to Digital Scholarship.

HUM2DH3: Creative, Collaborative, Critical: Introduction to Digital Scholarship

This course will introduce students to digital scholarship research methods and tools. Students will learn about three primary impulses that drive digital scholarship: analysis, preservation, and resource creation. They will work with existing digital resources, learning to use and assess them effectively; and will also digitize material to create new resources while learning about copyright, intellectual property, and accessibility. 3 unit(s) / Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above of a program in the Faculty of Humanities

Read about the latest iteration of this class taught by Dr. Veronica Litt (Digital Scholarship Coordinator). Read about past sessions.

Past Courses

Electronics for the Rest of Us

An undergraduate course in the experiential learning track co-sponsored by the Integrated Science (iSci) and Arts & Science (ArtSci) programs here at McMaster. In a nutshell it’s a six-session course where the students learn the basics of the Arduino platform–both coding and electronics–and create a demonstration project.