Certificate Program

The Sherman Centre’s certificate program recognizes attendance at our workshops, which span four series:  

DASH: The Data Analysis Support Hub: The DASH workshop series develops skills in coding languages, data analysis, statistical software, and more. Past workshops include sessions on ArcGIS, data visualization, Git, LaTeX, Microsoft Excel, Python, R, SAS, SPSS.

Do More with Digital Scholarship: The DMDS workshop series introduces attendees to the multifaceted world of digital scholarship. Past sessions explored textual analysis, digital humanities, podcasting, digital exhibits, knowledge mobilization, social media research, journal publishing, and more.   

Research Data Management: The RDM workshop and webinar series concerns the life cycle of research data—from collection to interpretation, dissemination, long term preservation, and reuse. Past sessions examined data management, data privacy, open data, data sharing, data storage, and research project management software.  

New in 2023-2024: Digital Research Workshops. These workshops highlight the expertise of our colleagues in the Digital Research Commons Pilot. Register and learn about website design, information security, research impact, and more.

Participants are invited to attend seven workshops and receive a certificate of attendance from the Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship.  Participants verify attendance by completing a short form with a code word from each workshop session.

The certificate program complements degree training, supports the development of critical competencies in data analysis, research data management, and digital scholarship, and formalizes core skills fostered by the workshop series. 

Continuing in 2023-2024: Streams

Launched in 2022, the new “Streams” program recognizes the competencies honed by each workshop series with certificates in specialized topics. To receive a certificate in a particular stream, participants must attend seven workshops, with at least four workshops counting toward the stream of their choice.  

Three streams are available in 2022-2023. Upcoming eligible sessions for each stream are linked below:

Data Analysis and Visualization

Digital Scholarship

Research Data Management

Where does the new Digital Research Series fit in? Note that the new Digital Research Series has workshops cross-listed into relevant areas above. The Building JavaScript Websites series and “How Ideas Travel: Intro to Research Impact” count towards the Digital Scholarship stream. “Protect Your Research Data: Intro to Information Security for Researchers” and “Best Practices for Managing Your Code and Scripts You Use to Generate Your Research” count towards Research Data Management.

Important: Optional set-up sessions do not count toward the Certificate Program.

Browse the full list of upcoming workshops.

Certificates Earned

Updated: September 2024.

Kaitlyn Battershill, Gurpreet Randhawa, Julien Favreau, Sadru Walji, Samantha Fritz, Alina Dochu, Mackenzie Salt, and Sanaa Alsubheen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to attend all seven workshops in one year? Is there a time limit?  
No, you are encouraged to take as long as you need to work towards the certificate. 

Is there a time limit for inputting my verification code?
Yes, participants must input the verification code before the end of the workshop.

Is the verification code the same thing as the Zoom password?
No, the code is a separate word or phrase that the facilitator will provide at an undetermined time in the workshop. It is not the password to the Zoom call.

Do I have to attend McMaster University to receive a certificate? 
No, the program is available to all attendees, regardless of their home institution.  

Do I have to be a university or college student to receive a certificate? 
No, community members are welcome to attend workshops and work towards a certificate.  

I’ve completed seven sessions. How do I request a certificate?
Email scds@mcmaster.ca with the names and dates of the sessions you attended. Upon verification, the certificate will be granted.

Who can I contact for more information? 
Email scds@mcmaster.ca to learn more.